Thursday, 13 November 2014

Should Zara open New warehouse? If yes Why?

Yes, I believe that Zara should open a warehouse outside Spain. The best location based upon their current competitive position for the warehouse is Myanmar.
Zara is not just a Spanish or European retailer anymore and its expanding global presence requires a support structure closer to its operations in Asia and the Middle East.  Whilst Spain has always been Zara's biggest market, in 2013 China overtook France as the country with the highest number of stores outside Spain (Berield and Baigorri, 2013). Since 2007 Zara has focused its expansion on Asia and their growth rate in Asia has been double that of the rest of the World (Caro, 2011). This looks set to continue with Zara's CEO Pablo Isla stating that India is one of Zara's next top priorities (Caro, 2011). Shipments to Zara's stores in China and Asia travel over 5000 miles - a warehouse in Asia to match the production facilities already in place there would be a lot more effective and efficient than the current operation.

Another strong argument for creating a distribution warehouse outside Spain is that Zara is coming under increasing attention and criticism for the price differentiation strategy it employs in different markets. Consumers outside Spain are paying a higher premium for the same garments as Zara's Spanish customers and with the transparency that online shopping and social media now offers consumers there is a question of how long consumers will tolerate this. A 2006 study by Ghemawat and Nueno found that consumers in Japan are paying as high as 131% more than Spanish shoppers see figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Price differences in Zara stores in different continents for the same T-Shirt
Legend Colour 
Price Difference from Spain

70% Higher

10% Higher

Northern Europe
40% Higher

Asia especially Japan
131% Higher

Figure 1: Zara's trading regions

The strongest argument against building a second distribution centre is that centralisation and control of all operations from Arteixo have been key to Zara's success to date. However we feel that Zara and Inditex have always shown themselves to be progressive and eager to adapt technology to improve efficiency and drive sales. There is no doubt that the drive and commitment that pushed Zara to be the No1 fashion retailer in the world will enable them to overcome the challenge of dual distribution centres.


We have argued that a second distribution centre is required by Zara, in order to position that centre correctly we need to understand the global spread of Zara's stores. In 2012 there was a total of 1925 Zara stores around the world,67% of which are in Europe and well serviced by Spain. 219 stores are in the Americas and efficiently serviced by established trade routes between Europe and America. As we highlighted earlier Asia is the focus of intense Zara expansion. In 2012 121 new Zara stores were opened in China alone.

Based on the current and proposed level of expansion in Asia and the strong level of supply from Spain already servicing Europe and The Americas, Asia presents the best opportunity for the second Zara distribution centre. We have selected Myanmar as the ideal place for Zara to open its warehouse because Myanmar shares borders with Bangladesh, India and china. Myanmar is a growing manufacturing hub in Asia. Myanmar is strategically located centrally to many of the largest emerging markets for Zara e.g. China, India, Hong long and Australia. It is also located close to the manufacturing stronghold of Bangladesh. It is ideally located to both receive and ship stock to service Asia, Far East and Australia.
 Some of the advantages of a distribution centre in Asia are listed below:

Cheaper Labour
The cost of labour in parts of Myanmar is significantly cheaper than Spain.
Close proximity to manufacturers
From the case study it is very clear that Zara already manufactures price sensitive goods in Asia. This area is rich in clothes manufacturing and further links could be developed.
Connects to far western countries
A distribution centre in Asia would enable a further expansion in to the far East and Australia.
Reduce the supply lead time to Asia based stores.
Zara’s lead time to supply Asian factories is around 38 to 48 hours, a warehouse in Asia helps to reduce this time drastically.
Low cost of living in Myanmar
The Myanmar currency rate compared to euro is very low “1 Euro = 1350 MMK”. This will make construction and development relatively inexpensive.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Digital Marketing Strategy of Retailer Burberry

Digital Marketing  is already an established feature in marketing strategies of large global brands, the debate of “traditional marketing is dead- social media hitting marketers and business by storm”(Lee, 2012) is over now. These days every consumer regardless their age bears at least one digital device which connects them to internet.  If you don’t have online presence you are losing major part of the consumer. For that reason every business has realised the strengths and penetration, social media has on the customers. We can witness these ourselves as almost every retailer from Independent night clubs or pharmacy shop to multinational retailer’s participation in our social media homepage/site. Based on the present situation we can clearly justify the statement that “digital marketing will soon be just marketing” by Dermot Nolan head of Moondance Business Consultants. More and more retailers are making transition to digital and allocating more spend to digital, hence the Digital marketing is the new normal for marketers. There are not many textbook definitions explaining what digital marketing is; however the basic principles of marketing still apply in digital marketing to result an in depth understanding about consumer behaviour to business.
There are two forms of digital marketing approach (Martin Brett, 2003) Such as, pull digital marketing, where customer actively seeks information from the brand and push marketing, where marketers’ displays the information even though customer did not asked for it. These approaches are executed in various digital platforms and it’s broken down in five different categories such as;
Various Digital Platforms
Digital Marketing Approach
Affiliate Marketing
Retailer can advertise or sell their products through other retailer website. In return a retailer will pay the website owner per click or per transaction happened through site.
Push and Pull approach
Display Advertising
This is the graphical advertisement which is appears in right side corner of the webpages. In other words this is called digital banners displayed on various websites. These digital banners can be in form of text, audio, video, Image or content.
Push approach
Email Marketing
This is the low cost digital marketing platform used by the retailer’s only if the customer willing to leave their email details.
Pull approach
Search Marketing
Retailer optimises the search engine in order to improve site traffic (more people visit their site). 
Push and Pull approach
Social media
Social media or social networking is where people have a conversation about anything with their friends and foes within their community or outside their community.
Push and Pull approach

As you can see there are various platforms to execute digital marketing activity for marketers. When discussing about the digital marketing in general almost every marketer tend talk about social media than any other platforms. The rational for that is according to Forrester research 2008 “3 out of 4 individuals use social media to connect with their friends”. The affordable digital device allows mass population to connect with their friends and family using internet and social media. Facebook and twitter is the commonly agreed stage for social media activities, there are various facts and figures presenting number of people using these social media sites in a daily basis we will not explain the “numbers” using social media. Yet this gives clear understanding that social media is bigger platforms for retailers. It is clearly known that social media has the potential to reach the masses and every retailer is drawn towards social media marketing greatly, but it’s not clear how effective retailers marketing programme is in social media.
The structure of this essay is layered on that thought; hence we are examining a retailer’s social media strategy and explore how effective they are conveying brand message and awareness using social media.
About Burberry
Burberry is an iconic British brand established in 1856 well known for its famous trench coat and distinctive tartan pattern even today and the most fascinating fact is that Burberry is more than 156 year old brand and still appealing to the current generation. Moreover this is the rationale for selecting this brand for this essay with such a long history how Burberry manages to stay relevant among different age group customers enthrals every marketer’s interest.
Burberry Facts

Burberry Trades under three different brands
  • Burberry Prosum (High Price)
  • Burberry London (Mid range)
  • Burberry Brit (Entry Level Products)

Other Detailed Facts and Figures
Total Number of Stores
Number of Operating Countries
50 Countries Worldwide
Operating Channels
·         Exclusive Retail stores,
·         Concession Store,
·         Wholesale,
·         Licencing and
·         Digital Sales
Product Mix
·         Men's Wear
·         Women’s Wear
·         Children Wear
·         Accessories 
Total Revenue
3000 in which 71% of the revenue comes from retail stores. (Look the Image below)
Out Performing Market 
Asia Pacific with the revenue of 745 Million which equals 30% of total revenue.
Revenue Generating Product
Accessories generate revenue of 734 Million which accounts for 29% of the total revenue.
Till 2006 Burberry was struggling to set the brand position as luxury brand and it was considered as out-dated old British brand but In recent years Burberry has transformed their brand image from out-dated business with out-dated fashion to global icon brand (Ahrendts, 2013).  As result brand Burberry is ranked as 72nd brand in top global brands by (Interbrand, 2014) and by the same research group Burberry ranked as 10th Luxury brand in the world with the revenue of the $3000 million.

The above chart clearly represents the Burberry growth after its CEO Angela Ahrendts took charge to expand Burberry. Angela Ahrendts explained how she transformed the Burberry brand image by centralising the design team and shifting the focus on core innovative products. Subsequently   (Ahrendts, 2013) agrees that after embracing social media and innovative technology Burberry was able to reach the mass and create unique experience for the brand, this helped the brand to stay relevant to the millennial customers as well. As a result today Burberry has more than 3 million followers on twitter(T B Stats) and 17 million followers on Facebook  (F B Stats).  This is the phenomenal reach for the brand with such old wing, among young generation in social media. Burberry should be doing something right in social media due to which they have so many followers digitally.  Hence we will analysis the Burberry social media activities and strategies to understand how that helps Burberry to create strong brand image.
Market Positioning & Target audience of Burberry
Burberry has four different product collections: - Menswear, Womenswear, children’s wear and Accessories. According to (Jacobsen, 2012) Burberry products fall into two main categories “fashion or continuity”. Fashion products are those which are developed based on the market trend analysis or forecast, continuity products are those which is present every season such as base line trench coat. Burberry brand is positioned as functional luxury segment you can see this in the product line of the Burberry with amount of detailing in their design for mid-range products and entry products as well. This is the reason Burberry products is applicable to the 25-year old to 65-year old consumer considering their diversified products and price range we can conclude that Burberry products appeal to consumers of all age groups but these consumers are divided by the pricing of the products.
Burberry Marketing Strategy
Angela Ahrendts adopted a strategy for Burberry to develop customer base by offering “Functional Luxury” products to create a global reach during the time global recession. In addition Burberry decide to make use of their Heritage brand image and trust resulting which Burberry re-vamped their trench coat design and retained it as the base product for Burberry in all apparel products segments. Moreover she found that Burberry stores does not provide any experience from the stores, hence to create exciting experience to all generations of customers Burberry decided to create hyper experience for the brand customers thought all the channels. They use lot of celebrity endorsement to market their brand products and Burberry invites the celebrity to the store along with their consumers. The most noted thing in Burberry marketing strategy is that they use more digital approach to market their products. You cannot see the Burberry products on Tv or billboards but you see the Burberry products advertisements on fashion websites or fashion magazines websites or social media pages deploying the products they are showcasing for the season before it reaches the store. Burberry took one step ahead of showcasing runway stocks they started selling the runway stocks during the catwalk show itself. This means that they are creating experience to customers in store as well beyond store.  Based on the brands action we can conclude that Burberry marketing strategy is to create hyper experience with accessible luxury products thought all the channels. Therefore this is the main reason why Burberry brand creates excitement among the customer of all age.

Burberry Digital Activity
Burberry Social Media Participation Timeline


Digital Campaign of Burberry
Art of the Trench
Burberry’s 1st digital campaign was the “Art of the Trench” which enthralled brands loyal trench coat customers. The main motto of the campaign was to attract the loyal trench coat customers by inviting them to post their selfish to the campaign site and that resulted in social media sharing. Burberry encouraged the customer to vote their favourite images that allowed customers to share and comment on the products and people wearing them. It is believed that this campaign helped Burberry to gain more followers in 2009. Burberry has taken the success of campaign one step further by using the customer selfie to their e-commerce site making full use of user generated content to generate revenue.

Burberry Acoustic
The Burberry Acoustic campaign showcase the young British musical band consumer can watch this video and enjoy the music showcased by Burberry young bands and this leverage the social media participation of sharing, commenting and liking the videos. This campaign clearly signifies the Burberry efforts to reach the younger audience, all the Burberry acoustic bands wears the Burberry garments. This eventually creates the product buzz among the customers as well.
Burberry Kisses
This campaign is example from Burberry that these campaigns are not created to make money but to engage the customer to their brand. Burberry has recently partnered with Google in 2013, campaign allows customer to get a digital print of customer kiss using webcam or smartphone they can send it to their loved ones. (

Burberry Fashion Collections
This campaign proves that Burberry is different from conventional luxury brands allowing customers to see the fashion collection of Burberry from runway/catwalk or fashion shows live in youtube and Burberry website. This campaign not only allows them witnessing latest fashion collection but also allows the customer to buy the goods from online. This excites the customers and this excitement turns into loyalty of visiting Burberry stores or Burberry e-commerce site. 
Consumer discussion on Social Media about Burberry Campagins.

There is no second opnion that burberry has revolutionized the way brand interacts with consumers, they have proved to be different from the conventional luxury brands. Giving a diffininte and exciting experience. We belive that luxury brands is no longer difined by the rarity or price of the product but they are defined by the unique pelsures and experience they receive from the brand. Burberry not only creates good social media content but also they create good customer experiences at every point of the customer jouney.
Burberry Secert of Success
Undoubtedly the burberry media content is very engaging they use user generated content to spread the awarness among the customer. By adopting this strategy, brand can spread awarness to various number of people ranging from customers, asperational buyers and non fans of the brand (Lipsman et al., 2012). This can be one of the important ratonale for 16 million burberry facebook  followers. Buberry not only uses celebraity like Emma Watson as communication tool but they are using digital campagins such as Burberry acoustic and burberry kisses to reach millions of young generation customers.
If we notice the digital marketing activity and campanigs of burberry their are two notable common elements.  Firstly, Burberry is not differenciating the digital marketing to other marketing activities and secondly burberry is linking digital campaings and promotion to all the trading channels. Thus brand intregrating digital to luxury to create overall experience. Brand launched its mobile site in 2011 and didn’t stop there. It has also fitted in-store sales persons with nessary degital device to create a physical expression of its online environment where customers can engage with the products both online and in-person, customers can customize their apparel in store and try on RFID-tagged items in front of a mirror in the store that projects selected apprel  video displayed fashion show. It’s a true melding of online and real-life worlds and has resulted in converting from british brand to global brand. Christopher bailey  burberry head desginer says “it is all about overall experience” to the customers, without a second thought customer are entralled and excited by the expirence they get with burberry and burberry ability connect all different channels into one channel keeps them engagged and loyal to the brand.
To put in nutshell, burberry  sets the clear example to all marketing students that content marketing alone will not create brand awarness and loyality. It is linking the digital media content and campagins to all trading channels which drives customer to store/E-comerece site by creating overall experience throught the customer journey.

Other general reference
Burberry online Marketing “” Access date 2nd April 2014
How Burberry doing digital effectively “!DjRrn” Access date 1st April 2014
Burberry CEO Interview “”
Burberry CEO on “The Secrets behind Burberry’s Growth” “” Access Date 9th April 2014
Christopher Bailey interview with “The Guardian” press “” Access date 9th April 2014

Reviewing "The Dark Side of Retailing" Journal

“The Bad News spreads Faster than Good News” this is most believed saying in the Retailing Arena.
Knowing what is bad for the business is most important for any business. The author of this journal is trying to find out which retail business practices lead to perceptions of corporate social irresponsibility (CSIR) from the customers ‘perspective and to develop a measurement scale for this construct. By using quantitative data from online survey, multi group confirmatory analysis, and real time interview and paper survey. Author has drilled down to demographic analysis on this research paper
The biggest drawback of this research paper is that author is focusing customer perspective of USA only, In addition to this paper was published in March 2007 by that time almost all retailers where globally expanded for instance Wal-Mart had 6779 stores around the globe (wal-mart 2007 annual report) in which they had only 3785 stores in USA, thus Wal-Mart is operating around 50% of its store apart from USA hence customer perspective towards CSIR difference from country to country, culture to culture and Person to Person.
The research identifies 14 factors which represents perception of CSIR in retailing, thru qualitative analysis from online survey and real time interview. Research team has coded each response am created correlation perspective from that they have identified to what extent the consumer regard the specific corporate behaviour thru correlation matrix. Finally author has ranked each CSIR from Consumer Perspective and derived demographic results to the findings.
Consumer Perspective
Understanding on each Perspective
Societal rules
Cheating on taxes
Paying bribes
Ignoring the law
Breaking the law
Employee discrimination
Discriminating employees based on race
Discriminating employees based on gender
Discriminating employees based on age
Discriminating employees based on looks
Local working conditions
Having employees work in an unclean environment
Having employees work in an unsafe environment
Treating employees disrespectfully
Providing poor working conditions to employees
Not allowing employees to take sufficient breaks
Making misleading claims to customers through advertising
Having sales people make false claims to customers about products
Pricing policies
Overpricing products to customers
Charging customers higher prices than originally advertised
Charging customers high prices due to a monopolistic position
Natural environment
Selling products whose production harms the natural environmenta
Producing extensive amounts of waste
Contributing substantially to environmental pollution
Employee benefits
Providing very limited benefits to employees
Providing very limited medical insurance to employees
Making health-care coverage very expensive for employees
Referring employees to health care provided by the state instead of
providing medical insurance themselves
Foreign labour
Paying extremely low wages to workers in developing countries
Having workers in developing countries work under very poor
Employee wages
Paying very low wages to employees
Not paying employees living wages
Paying employees less than the market average
Paying employees not more than minimum wage
Local businesses
Forcing local small businesses into bankruptcy
Selling goods below cost to put local competitors out of business
Creating a local monopolistic position for themselves
Forcing local retailers into bankruptcy
Local employment
Increasing unemployment in local communities
Replacing existing jobs with lower wage jobs in local communities
Causing local businesses to reduce jobs in local communities
Reducing their own workforce in local communities
Offensive material
Exposing customers to provocative images through advertising
Exposing customers to products that are offensive to some people
Exposing customers to products and images that are not family
Foreign economies
Paying extremely low wages to workers in developing countries
Having workers in developing countries work under very poor
Sales practices
Selling customers products they cannot afford
Selling customers products they do not really need
Selling customers products that are bad for their health

Personal Review
Author found Societal rules is the most important issue as per Consumer Perspective and as per demographic findings its proven that most females are sensitive towards it, author has validated this by stating women’s personality traits tend to be less economically oriented and more philanthropically driven in comparison to men (Ibrahim and Angelidis, 1994). Since more retailers target market consists are women. Hence retailers need to be cautious about avoiding business practices which could potentially be interpreted as socially irresponsible.
I completely disagree as this findings are clearly based on media rather actual consumer perspective, yes media influence the consumer on the larger scale but not everybody presume what media shows. It’s completely redundant stating women’s are “less economically oriented and more philanthropically driven in comparison to men”. How often do you find shopper regardless of their gender stating “No Wal-Mart bribed the local officer to take the retail licence I will not shop in Wal-Mart here on”?.
To Conclude, Author has clearly stated in his research that the “Both the exploratory interviews and the quantitative main study are based upon convenience samples. While common in scholarly research of this kind, such samples do not facilitate making general inferences about a specific population in a strict statistical sense”. Hence needs additional evidence to enhance the findings. This Is the clear evidence that this research is paper is to gain knowledge and not decision making or this is not actual market scenario.